Lucky Bamboo for good energy

Plants have an important position in the science of Feng Shui. Plant represents wood elements in the five element theory of the metaphysical science. In the cycle of elements, plant gets its support from water element as water nourishes the plant and the sector in the compass which denotes wood element is the East.

There are many different kinds of plants which are adapted as Feng Shui enhancers; however, one of the popular plants are the Lucky Bamboo plants. Bamboo is said to be a plant which brings a very peaceful and good energy into the home. It also symbolises flexibility and hollow (openness) on the inside, so that the spirit can freely flow and heal your being.

The bamboo plants in water not only add to the home décor but it influences our life energy, vitality and physical activity as wood is always depicted as a vertical growth. It also attracts the flow of positive Chi energy wherever it is placed. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) as it grows towards the light, it can be easily pruned into interesting, decorative shapes and need very less water and light to grow so it is the best indoor plant for the home or office. 

It is essential to position the plant at the correct sector. The best direction to place a bamboo tree is East or Southeast corner of the home garden or if its a water bamboo too. The Eastern section of the home or office represents family so place a Bamboo plant with three stalks in this area. For inviting wealth and prosperity it should be placed at the Southeast corner of the living or home.

To activate good Feng Shui and bring together a symbolic balance of the 5 elements of Feng Shui, the bamboo stems can be decorated to bind the elements in one place. Use a earthen or porcelain container with rocks, or pebbles as the substitutes for earth to grow your luck bamboo tree. Tie a red colour or any other bright colour ribbon on your vase or pot which symbolise the fire. Add a metal coin (gold, silver, and copper, bronze and brass) in the pot or use glass pots to grow bamboo tree to represent the metal. Fill the container with water as it symbolises sustenance of life force and finally, the bamboo stalk itself represents the wood element. Place this arrangement in the living room East or Southeast.

The number of stalks of the water bamboo plant has a deeper meaning as each number has a significance.

In Feng Shui,  Yang (odd numbers) are considered to be most lucky and hence the number of bamboo stalks determines your luck to a large extent.

3 – Bamboo stalks bring the three components of life — happiness, wealth and longevity — together.

5 – Bamboo stalks are helpful to attract wealth.

6 – Bamboo stalks brings prosperity and favourable conditions.

7 – Bamboo stalks brings good health.

8 – Bamboo stalks brings growth and prosperity.

10 – Bamboo stalks means complete and perfect.

21 – Bamboo stalks offer a very powerful and all-purpose blessing.

Finally, take good care of the bamboo plants for. If the plant withers, it will no longer represent favourable luck which also means time to replace. However, take proper care by keeping clean, fresh water in the vase and change them regularly. Water quality influences the look of the plant and the quality of energy it exudes.


This post was published on March 22, 2021 6:00 pm