M.Ed Question Paper ‘repeat’: HoD relieved from examination duty for two years

Re-examination on Jan.6; University of Mysore to be digitalised by 2020; first University to become ‘paperless’ in country

Mysuru: In the light of the allegation that last year’s (2017) question paper of M.Ed. (Master of Education) Examination on the subject ‘Introduction to Education Studies’ under the CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) was repeated this year during the first semester examination, the Head of the Department (HoD) of Education Prof.K.B. Praveen has been relieved from examination duties for two years and a fine of Rs.20,000 imposed, at the Syndicate Meeting of University of Mysore held here yesterday.

The Syndicate Members who felt that Prof. Praveen had shown negligence in printing the questions papers which were a repeat of the 2017 first semester exam, have not only taken this decision but also decided to hold the re-examination related to M.Ed first semester exam on Jan.6.

It was decided in the Syndicate meeting to impose a fine of Rs.20,000 on Prof. Praveen and not to allow him to participate in setting up question papers, printing and evaluation of answer scripts, said University of Mysore Vice Chancellor Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar who chaired the meeting.

Digital University

The meeting also decided to convert the University of Mysore into a Digital University by 2020 by computerising all its teaching and non-teaching Departments.

Already, a software has been developed and the university staff will undergo training for this purpose.

Since Vice-Chancellor Prof. Hemantha Kumar himself is from the Computer Science Department, the University will be digitalised very soon, said a Syndicate Member who participated in the meeting, expressing his confidence.

At every stage ‘e-method’ will be adopted and including approval and sanctions will all be done digitally. Right from the clerks, Deputy Registrars, Registrars and the Vice-Chancellor will all have to work through ‘soft copy’ process.

Once the process is digitalised, then everything will be seen on the computer and approvals and sanctions can be given sitting in the same place thus dispensing with file movements from chamber to chamber.

Thus University of Mysore will become the first ‘paperless’ office in the country. Already the technical development regarding this is in its final stages and both the teaching and non-teaching staff will be trained to use the digital format.

Electric Motor Carts

In the vast University campus at Manasagangothri where each Department is spread out, the Syndicate meeting decided to purchase three environmental-friendly electric motor carts for the convenience of the teachers, students and staff to move about freely. In the beginning three carts will be purchased and if found useful, the number will be increased. Including Registrar Prof. R. Rajanna and Registrar (Evaluation) Prof. J. Somashekar, six members were present in the meeting.

This post was published on December 29, 2018 6:28 pm