Maintain R.K. Nagar Children’s Park


Kudos to all the stakeholders for beautifying Ramakrishnanagar (RK Nagar) Park by adding an Open Air Gym and an exclusive park for children.

I am a regular visitor to this park and the big eyesore here is that adults and even grown up kids use the children’s park resulting in damage to equipment.

One of the sea-saw is already damaged. There are 4 adult swings and in spite of being unoccupied, even the educated class use the children’s swing thus damaging it.

I have seen adults using the merry-go-round, sea-saw and even swing and told them it is for kids only but to no avail.

I request the authorities either to deploy a person in the evenings or put big sign boards which are visible in both English and Kannada. This park should be ONLY for kids under 10 years of age.

After investing so much of money, it is the duty of the users to maintain it.

– S. Madhusudan on e-mail, R.K. Nagar I-Block, 2.5.2019

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This post was published on May 7, 2019 7:08 pm