Make footpaths across city walkable


Although more interest is shown in making roads, widening them, re-tarring or over and over-asphalting already in good condition roads, not an iota of thought is given to improve the side walks in our beautiful city.

Footpaths are indeed in a very bad shape mostly where shopping is done. Most uneven, rugged, stoney footpaths where one can hardly walk with comfort are found all around city.

 Moreover the meridians in the Ring Road junctions de-marking the service roads has to be fully extended so that service road traffic is not disturbed.

This problem is more visible in the Bogadi traffic junction where all the vehicles going towards Hebbal and waiting at the signal point completely block the service road not allowing other vehicles to get in or get out of the service road.

These types of problems need to be attended to by the authorities concerned on priority basis.

—Kala Chary, Bogadi, 18.2.2024

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This post was published on February 23, 2024 6:55 pm