Mall to exclusively sell Swadeshi products in Mysuru

Bengaluru: A huge shopping mall will come up in Mysuru to exclusively sell Swadeshi products, said Small Scale Industries Minister Sharanabasappa Darshanapur. Spread across an area of 10 acres, this mall will be established with the help of Centre that will grant Rs. 193 crore interest-free loan, he said.

“It was determined that the mall should be set up in Mysuru rather than Bengaluru as there is a scarcity of space in the capital city. The mall will be a place to sell Swadeshi products from all over the country where each State will get separate outlets and sections to sell their products,” he added.

He asked traders to promote Swadeshi by selling and consuming local products, saying it would help in boosting economic growth to double digits. He exhorted domestic traders to promote Swadeshi products.

“If traders start using Swadeshi (indigenous) goods, sell Swadeshi products and promote those items, the economic growth will boom,” the Minister told reporters yesterday. Diverse goods, ranging from footwear and furniture to locks can be sold there. “We have the skilled manpower and the required technology. We just need the right mindset,” the Minister added. Embracing Indian-made goods could transform India,” he opined.

This post was published on August 25, 2023 7:35 pm