Mayor’s Online Adalat launched

Mayor Shivakumar (third from left) launching the QR code in city this morning as (from left) MCC Executive Engineer Ranjith, Additional Deputy Commissioner M.J. Roopa, Leader of Opposition in MCC Council Ashwini Ananthu, Superintending Engineer Mahesh, Executive Engineer Madhusudhan and Chief Accounts Officer (CAO) Kavita look on.

First-of-its-kind initiative by MCC; Service available from Feb. 8 to 22; scan QR code to avail of the service

Mysore/Mysuru: A day after the conclusion of its zone-wise Adalats yesterday (Feb. 7), Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) launched ‘Mayor’s Online Adalat’ this morning.

It is a first-of-its-kind Adalat that can be accessed by people, who have been waiting to seek services even after filing the application. The service is available till Feb. 22 (Wednesday).

Mayor Shivakumar, the brain behind the Adalat initiative, explained that “Nowhere in the country, any other City Corporations have devised any such programme intended at making it easy for the people to air their grievances if any.”

The dedicated staff at MCC will receive any queries and issue the acknowledgment also online. They will later forward the queries to respective nine zonal offices of MCC in the city, to look into them, added the Mayor.

The new facility will be beneficial especially for those having property in the city and settled in other parts of the State and country and even abroad, who can look for the service, without making any physical visit.

To avail of the service, the people should scan the QR code on

After scanning the code, they have to login through Google account and file their complaints.

It may be mentioned that the maiden MCC Adalat was held offline at its main office on Nov. 14, 2022. Later on Jan. 20, 2023, the zone-wise Adalat was launched, covering all the nine zonal offices, that concluded on Feb. 7.

This post was published on February 8, 2023 8:00 pm