MCC and Online Property Tax


An effort was made last year for payment of property tax, though not online, but system- based work was done in the previous financial year. Subsequently, MCC officials visited some houses and made a mapping for ensuring and to facilitate payment of property tax online in future.

Last year, the exercise of payment of property tax was same, that is form filling in computers and then standing in long queue, at the convenience of Bank timing and precisely no improvement, except eliminating hand written forms and challans against payment of fees which was purely unofficial.

Now the new financial year is just couple of weeks ahead and citizens are curious to understand whether MCC has really made any improvements or as usual, just to visit the Zonal Offices and repeat the old exercise, thus wasting time and energy.

Added to the agony is the leadership change at MCC and this should not be a hindrance for making payment of property tax online this time. Hope MCC will clarify well in advance?!

– Vijay Hemmige, Mysuru, 15.2.2021

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This post was published on February 18, 2021 5:55 pm