‘Media joining hands with capitalists, spoiling health of society’: Professor Dr. Vinaya Okkunda expresses concern

 Mysuru: Today’s Media is joining hands with capitalists and disturbing the health of the society. The way language is used flippantly is also a cause for concern, regretted Professor Dr. Vinaya Okkunda.

She was speaking at the seminar on “Contemporary Circumstances: Many Challenges” at the 83rd Akhila Bharata Kannada Sahitya Sammelana at the Maharaja’s College Grounds yesterday on the topic ‘Predicament of Freedom of Expression’ and said that the use of language is  being corrupted.

The use of inappropriate words is very galling and stymieing the growth of Kannada language. Added to this is the way media is in the control of capitalists. This has resulted in the news that should be published, aired or broadcast not reaching the public. Hence, the political parties today are feeling that if they can have media in their grip they can win elections, she alleged.

Give up selfie craze: Today’s youth are bowled over by craze for taking selfies. Since they are immersed in the world of selfies, they are not able to observe the outside world. Hence, the youth should try to come out of this fascination for selfies. Only then can they see the world around them, she said.

Do not hesitate to speak: When the time comes to talk we should not shy away from speaking. If a situation arises where we have to oppose, we must oppose. Otherwise, the day is not too far off when the writers will be caught in a tight corner, said Dr. Okkunda expressing her anguish.

Threat to freedom of expression: We are living at a time where there is threat to freedom of expression. For instance on Nov.5 in Tamil Nadu, a man who was in debt tried to commit suicide along with his family members in front of the District Collector’s Office. One of his children died because of this incidence. However, the Government there did not announce any compensation. A cartoonist depicted the irony of this situation pointing out the insensitivity of the Government through his cartoon.

The TN Government by arresting the cartoonist snatched his right to freedom of expression, she alleged.

Moral Policing: In the name of hurting religious and cultural feelings, the fringe elements are issuing threats to artists. The country is facing this dangerous trend today.

Even before the release of film ‘Padmavathi,’ the fringe elements comparing actress Deepika Padukone to Shoorpanaki (a character in Ramayana) have threatened to  chop of her nose if the film is released and they have also announced a bounty of Rs.10 crore on the Director of the movie Sanjay Leela  Bhansali, she said.

This kind of moral policing is causing a fissure in the society, which is a dangerous trend. The fundamentalists are in no frame of mind to accept anything other than their thinking. When actor Kamal Haasan said that there are terrorists among the Hindus also, he has been consistently threatened, she said.

This is not just an attack on the film stars but it is also atrocities committed on the society and a conspiracy is going on to mislead the people.

In the coming days, the communal forces will not hesitate to start dictating what one should and should not write, said Dr. Okkunda expressing her displeasure.

This post was published on November 27, 2017 6:45 pm