Miscreant assaults woman with knife after barging into house

Mysore/Mysuru: A miscreant, who barged into a house in Mandi Mohalla, assaulted the woman in the house with a knife before escaping from the house.

The woman, who was assaulted and undergoing treatment at a private hospital in city, is 19-year-old Lotika, wife of Ajay Marak, natives of Tripura.

Ajay and Lotika’s was a love marriage and the couple, who came to Mysuru six months ago, had taken a room on rent in Mandi Mohalla and were residing there. While Ajay was serving as a Juice Master at a restaurant near Five Lights Circle,  Lotika was working at a hotel in Bamboo Bazar.

On May 27 at about 2 pm, Ajay called his wife over the phone but the call went unanswered. But at about 2.43 pm, Ajay received a call from his wife’s mobile phone and a stranger who spoke told him that he had found the mobile phone on the road and asked Ajay to collect it. Ajay, who collected his wife’s mobile phone from the stranger on the road adjacent to his room, went to the room to see his wife only to find the door latched from outside.

When Ajay opened the latch and entered the room, he found his wife lying in a pool of blood. When he enquired with his wife, she is said to have told him that a stranger barged into the room and tried to outrage her modesty, but when she resisted, the stranger assaulted her brutally with a knife and                                                              fled away.

Based on the complaint, NR Police, who have registered a case, are investigating.

This post was published on May 31, 2024 7:27 pm