Moulana Ahamed Khan Dilbar Rashadi

Moulana Ahamed Khan Dilbar Rashadi (62), Khatib-o-Imam of Shai Masjid in city, Vice-President of Darul Uloom Siddiqia, Mysuru and a resident of Umar Khayam Road in Tilak Nagar, passed away this morning at his residence following brief illness. He leaves behind his wife, a son, four daughters and a host of relatives and friends.

Namaz-e-Janaza was held after Asar at Masjid-e-Khudadad, Siddiqia Arabic College on Mysuru-Bengaluru Road today, followed by burial at the Muslim Burial Grounds, near Tipu Circle, according to sources.

This post was published on June 23, 2020 3:51 pm
