MP Pratap Simha assures completion of Ring Road street-light project by November end

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Mysore/Mysuru: MP Pratap Simha, reacting to the report on Ring Road published in Mysuru Mithra (sister concern of Star of Mysore) this morning, promised that street-lights on the Ring Road will function wholly by the end of November, following the completion of underground cable laying works on the entire stretch and fixing of related issues.

Noting that the citizens may have lost faith in the words of people’s representatives on the issue of Ring Road street-lights, Simha said that he is making an open promise that he will resolve all issues concerning the Ring Road by next month.

MCC will maintain street-lights and pay monthly power bills to CESC. MUDA will oversee cable laying works. Contractor has started cable laying works post Dasara festivities, he added.

This post was published on October 8, 2022 6:42 pm
