When a mridangam legend accompanies a vocalist…

Hemmige S. Prashanth, accompanied by Sangeeta Kalanidhi Trichi Shankar on mridangam, Guruprasanna on khanjira and T.K.V. Ramanujacharyulu on violin presenting a vocal concert.

By Dr. Padmavathi Narasimhan

Hemmige S. Prashanth sang for Sri Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha, Mysuru, on the 10th of February. He was accompanied by T.K.V. Ramanujacharyulu on violin, Sangeeta Kala Nidhi Trichi Shankar on mridangam and Guruprasanna on khanjira.

It is prestigious to sing with a senior mridangist like Trichi Shankar. Prashanth began the concert with all enthusiasm. Trained under Palghat K.V.Narayana Swamy, Prashanth is one of the rising representatives of his Guru.

Even a listener hearing his music for the first time can say for sure that his voice, composition presentation, developing raga and neraval bring back memories of his Guru KVN.

Prashanth began with the Atta Tala Varna ‘Sarasija Nabha’ in Kambhoji by Vadivelu, which was clear and confident.

He then took three compositions of The Trimurtis one each successively. ‘Janaki Ramana’ in shuddha seemantini by Tyagaraja, ‘Arunachala Natham,’ a Pancha Linga Kshetra Kriti  in Saranga by Muttuswami Deekshitar and ‘Marivere Gati Evvaramma’ by Shyama Shastry and kalpana swaras.

Saveri was elaborate with a detailed raga essay, a satisfying neraval and swaras followed by a grand Taniyavartanam by Trichi Shankar and Guruprasanna.

The composition chosen was ‘Shree Raja Gopala Balam’ by Muttuswamy Deekshitar was prefixed by a leisurely portrayal of the raga. Ramanujacharyulu and Trichi Shankar identified themselves with the spirit of the composition.

Prashanth chose a few light classical songs in the post-Tani part of the concert. ‘Sayankale Vanante Kusumita Samaye’, a viruttam by Shri Narayana Teerthar was well-sung in ragamalika in Shahana, Varali, Kapi and Sindhu Bhairavi leading on to the devaranama ‘Hari hara ninnanu mecchisabahudu Narara mecchisuvudu balu kathina’ by Purandaradasaru but the sahitya lacked clarity as the sound of the mrdangam was too loud.

‘Sagara shayana Vibho’ is an appealing composition of M.D. Ramanathan. Prashanth did justice to the composition. Javali ‘Marubari Talanenura Sami’ in Kamas and Tillana in Bilahari included the closing part of the concert.

Considering that it was a Sabha concert, Prashanth could have perhaps taken another raga or RTP for detailed delineation as Ananda Bhairavi was a short rendition.

The senior mridangist Trichi Shankar was lively and encouraging throughout the concert.

This post was published on March 7, 2018 6:23 pm