Music concert by Vid. T.M. Krishna

Mysore/Mysuru: Sri Prasanna Vidya Ganapathi Mandali Charitable (SPVGMC) Trust has organised a music concert by Sangeetha Kalanidhi (designate) Vid. T.M. Krishna at RamaGovinda Rangamandira in Ramakrishnanagar on June 9 at 5.30 pm.

He will be accompanied by Vid. H.N. Bhaskar on violin, Vid. K.U. Jayachandra Rao on mridanga and Vid. Giridhar Udupa on ghata.

Profile: Vidwan T. M. Krishna is a musician par excellence. Music is something through which he perceives everything around him. Krishna has always believed that there should be multiple                                                        and different voices both in art and in life. Hence he has tried to reach different sections of society. He has sung with Jogappas, has brought different voices like that of Narayan Guru, Perumal Murugan, Vachanakaras of Karnataka, and has sung Ashoka’s edicts.

His excellence in art and his commitment to values like equality and brotherhood has earned him a number of awards and accolades. He is a recipient of prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award, Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration among others.

This post was published on June 7, 2024 7:29 pm