Musings on Lok Sabha election-2024 results


On Tuesday, June 4, I spent the entire day glued to the TV, listening to endless discussions and chatter about the election results. As the results started coming in, I was shocked. How could all the so-called exit polls be so wrong?

I was led to believe that a lot of work and effort goes into collecting and analysing the data before presenting it. There’s also the possibility that our voters have become savvy and deliberately give false information to the pollsters who seek their views after the elections.

One thing was starkly visible after the results were out: ‘Brand Modi’ was in decline. I don’t know how many of you have ever been to Varanasi, but since Modi’s arrival, the city has been transformed. The airports, railway stations, roads and ghats have all improved, resulting in the economic upliftment of the city. Varanasi is now an international destination.

Despite all this work, what did Modi get in this LS election-2024? A 60 percent reduction in votes! At one point, PM Modi was even trailing.

What does all this imply? Does good work or development not really matter to people? Instead, do religion, caste and money matter more? The same example can be cited for Smriti Irani in Amethi. She transformed Amethi and still lost.

One of the primary reasons for the loss in UP is the fear instilled by Congress and SP that the new Government, if it got 400 seats, would change the Constitution. They were aided by our own Anantkumar Hegde, who in one of his speeches said that the BJP would change the Constitution if they got 400 seats. Loose and casual talk can cause immense damage.

Only time will tell if Modi has the capacity to handle a coalition. All these years, from Gujarat onwards, he has been a solo player making decisions. Now, every party will demand its pound of flesh and portfolios. How will he balance it?

– Ananth Ballal, Mysuru, 5.6.2024

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This post was published on June 6, 2024 6:55 pm