Mysore Heritage Ladies Circle-109 team

Mysore Heritage Ladies Circle-109 held their 16th Annual General Body Meeting 2022-23 at Country Inn & Suites, Mysuru, recently. Picture shows the new team of office-bearers of Mysore Heritage Ladies Circle-109 for 2023-24 (sitting from left) Cr. NanditaFernandes, Past National President Cr. NamrathaShenoy, Cr. KomalKataria (Secretary), Cr. TulsiShroff (Chairperson), Cr. AksharaSandeep (Treasurer), Cr. Vidya Deepak (Vice-Chairperson) and Cr. Vinutha (IPC); (standing)Cr. Sangeetha Mahesh, Cr. ShilpaVishwas, Cr. HemaArun and MeghanaSharath (Advisor).

This post was published on August 20, 2023 6:57 pm
