Mysurean creates Kapalbhati Pranayama record

Mysuru: Aiming to break into the India Book of Records, M.P. Ramesh has performed Kapalbhati Pranayama for 81 minutes and entered the Records book.

He created the record on June 26 at the Rotary Mysore South East Auditorium in Jayanagar. He demonstrated the Kapalabati Pranayama for 81 minutes and completed 4,000 strokes.

Kamalamma of the India Book of Records was witness to the achievement of Mysurean Ramesh. The effort of Ramesh in performing this type of Pranayama is truly laudable. If one has to remain healthy, then yoga and diet are very important. Everyone now-a-days is depending on allopathic medicines thus becoming its slaves. The English medicines instead of curing the disease, increases it, said Kamalamma.

The doctors say that once a person is afflicted with diabetes, one should take tablets life-long. It is not true at all. Even through diet, one can control diabetes. Awareness should be created among the people regarding this issue. When I was doing my Ph.D, I have learnt how much English medicines was causing harm to the body, she said.

This post was published on June 28, 2017 6:45 pm
