Mysuru has a ‘Heart’


The other night while my husband and I were on the Ring Road, we had a flat tyre. It was brought to our notice by a youngster who was returning home from work. He was kind enough, seeing the plight of the ‘oldies’ perhaps, to go to a couple of puncture repair shops, but being late, they were shut.

To add to our woes, there were no street lights in the vicinity. He kept reassuring us that the problem would be set right. He then volunteered to change the tyre but to our dismay, the ‘jack’ was missing ! Promptly, he  phoned his friends who arrived and put us back on the road; brushing aside our gratitude, with a shrug.

Mysuru may have lost its prime place as the Cleanest City, but it still has its HEART in the right place. In spite of all the bungling that is done by the people at the helm, Mysuru has its priorities right. Our youngsters are our hope — India’s hope, and we are blessed to be in Mysuru.

– Dechamma , K. Hemmanahalli, 13.3.2019

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This post was published on March 14, 2019 6:03 pm