National Seminar on ‘Essence of India’ at CIIL on Jan.10 and 11

The Anthropological Association, Mysuru, in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS), Bhopal, Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata and Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysuru, will be organising a collaborative National Seminar on ‘Essence of India: Unique markers of Biology, Culture, Language and History of Indian Population’ on Jan.10 and 11 at CIIL. Prof. T.V. Ramachandra of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru  and Prof. Sarit Kumar Chaudhuri, Director, IGRMS, Bhopal, will deliver special lectures. Those interested to participate in this Seminar may contact the Secretary, Anthropological Association [Mob: 94492-63764] for registration before Jan.7.

This post was published on January 2, 2019 5:30 pm
