Natl. Seminar from Mar. 8

The Department of Studies in Chemistry, University of Mysore, has organised a  two-day national seminar on Mar. 8 and 9 at the Department premises in Manasagangothri campus.  CFTRI Director Dr. K.S.M.S. Raghavarao will inaugurate the seminar. Vice-Chancellor of University of Mysore (UoM) Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar will preside.  Eminent scientists from across the country including Prof. Samar K. Das, Prof. Surya Prakash Rao, Dr.K.S.M.S Raghavarao and former VC Prof. K.S.Rangappa will deliver lectures on the occasion. Over 300 delegates will take part.  The Department of Studies in Chemistry was started by the then UoM VC Prof. N.A.Nikam at Yuvaraja’s College in 1960. It was shifted to Manasagangothri campus in 1964. Valedictory will be held on Mar.9. Registrar of UoM Prof. Lingaraj Gandhi, Professor of Solid-State Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU), Indian Institute of Science (IISc.,) Prof. M.S. Hegde, New Delhi Sharda University’s Prof H. Surya Prakash Rao  and others will be the chief guests.

This post was published on March 7, 2019 6:03 pm