Neutralising conflicts

Staircase in line with main door or at the centre of the home causes unsettling energy and disturbs the house. Even bad if the stairs are at the centre sector of the entire home. Suspending crystals or chimes could uplift and balance the energies.

Home is said to be a place where you can relax, rejuvenate and plan your aspirations with your loved ones in good harmony. However, in the present times with each of the family member occupied with their own ideology and thoughts, this would be a state of utopia. Such discords often lead to family conflicts, arguments and misunderstandings and even trivial issues could trigger of a major trouble.

If such a situation exists in a home, it is time to check the Feng Shui of the home to plug the energies causing this kind of conflict. The energies when corrected does show up instantly to give you positive benefits but it slowly transforms the home into a place of peace and happiness. The strong negative energies will eventually get dissolved and the Feng Shui corrections will smoothen all aspects of the home more specific to relationships and conflicts.

  • Exterior Afflictions: Check your exteriors and immediate environment, is there anything hostile focusing towards your home or main door like a tree, electrical pylon etc. Having good Feng Shui energy outside your house is important for many reasons hence be watchful of your surroundings.
  • Alignment of Doors or Windows: Ensure that the main door is not in straight line with a window at the far end as the energy coming in through main door does not exit through the window instantly. Even if you have two or more doors in direct alignment, especially if it is the front door and back door it would need a proper balancing of the energy flow which could be through appropriate wind chimes suspended in the path.
  • Southwest of your home and bedroom: Examine this area and check if there is clutter, toilet or art pieces which do not depict pleasantness or harmony. Take away such art and if there is a toilet at SW of the house try to minimise the use of this toilet alone although relocating such a toilet would be highly beneficial.
  • Staircase: Staircase in line with main door or at the centre of the home causes unsettling energy and disturbs the house. Even bad if the stairs are at the centre sector of the entire home. Suspending crystals or chimes could uplift and balance the energies.
  • Basements and attics: The attic and basement are areas seldom active and used occasionally. Hence, these sectors accumulate Yin (negative) energies. Would be better to clear out these areas and feel what a huge difference this makes in the state of your home, as well as your own inner state of mind. Light up such sectors and keep lights turned on for long hours, keep them fresh with aroma.
  • Predecessor Chi: It is the energy of the past occupant. If the house has a bad history of occupants having conflicts and disharmony, you need to clear the energy. You can do it once a year or once a week, but you have to do it regularly to achieve best results. Aroma, smoke, sound are some of the best remedies to clear the bad Chi.


This post was published on May 29, 2017 6:56 pm