New office-bearers of Rotary Mysore East

Seen are (front row from left) Rotarians B.G. Nagraj, ZL, Zone-7, Murlidhar Kalasapura, Director-Vocational Service, Shashi Kumar, Secretary 2024-25, Dr. K.A. Prahlad, Assistant Governor, Zone-7, Rohit Subbayya, President 2024-25, Rotary Mysore East, Sudheer Bhat, chief guest and District Chairman, Rotary Action Group, Indira Ballal, Secretary 2023-24, Usha Shekhar, Director-Club Service, Malini Sreenivasan, Chair - CLCC/WINS and Kavitha Sailesh, Joint Secretary; (back row from left) Rotarians A.N. Aravind, Vice-President, Harish Shivanna, Director-Youth Service, Arun Kumar Singh, Chair - Club Learning, Nagendra Muralidhar, President 2023-24, Kishore Bidappa, Sergeant-at-Arms, Rohit Ramdev, Chair - District Projects, Suma Urs, Chair - The Rotary Foundation, Shakuntala Elizabeth, Treasurer and Shekhar, Director - International Service.

Service projects for 2024-2025 launched

Mysore/Mysuru: Rtn. Sudheer Bhat, District Chairman, Rotary Action Group, who was the chief guest and Installing Officer installed Rtn. Rohit Subbayya as the 17th President of Rotary Mysore East along with the new team for 2024-25 recently.

Rtn. Sudheer Bhat spoke on the Rotary Action Plans and Action Groups, detailing the procedures to choose the future leaders of Rotary and actions to be adopted while carrying out the service projects by collecting more input information of target beneficiaries, execution of project and complete follow-up until the beneficiary comes out of the situation and self-sustains.

‘Swavalambi Stree’ project was launched jointly by Rotary Mysore East, Rotary Mysore and N.R. Foundation with Taliru Foundation.

Twenty-five women beneficiaries, who have been identified from economically and socially stressed backgrounds will be trained in driving passenger autorickshaws by Maruti Suzuki Driving School, Mandovi Motors and will also be assisted to obtain Driving Licences. They will be given other skill development training for two months for financial independence, self-defence, legal awareness, etc.

Rotary Mysore East announced to join hands with Akshaya Aahara Foundation – Food for Needy to collect, transport and distribute excess cooked food from large functions and hotels. Various projects of RI District 3181 like Sandhya Suraksha for senior citizens, Positive Health, De-addiction, Cervical Cancer awareness, Drinking Water Management, Anganwadi Upgradation, Skill Development, Road Safety and Mental Health were highlighted.

Assistant Governor of Zone-7 Rtn. Dr. K.A. Prahlad and leaders of other Rotary Clubs of Mysore and members of Rotary Mysore East along with their families attended the event.

This post was published on July 11, 2024 7:25 pm