NIPM Mysuru celebrates 35th Annual Day

Mysuru: The 35th Annual Day celebration of National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Mysuru Chapter, was held at a private hotel in city recently. The chief guest for the programme was Yogesh Dange, Director, Baliga Investment Private Limited.

NIPM Mysuru Chairman Jayaprakash welcomed the gathering. Convener Anantha Gowda briefed on the journey of NIPM and the Annual Day celebration. The chief guest distributed the prizes for the winners of Sports Day and recognised the meritorious students.

Hon. Secretary Savitha Gowda was felicitated for the award received from JGI (Jain University) and Global Work Force Management for accomplishment in the field of Human Resource Management, for knowledge, best practices and thought leadership-2017.

This post was published on August 16, 2017 6:40 pm
