No grace marks for Second PU students

Bengaluru: Even as rumours that grace marks will be awarded to students who had appeared for Second PUC Physics paper held on Mar. 7 as the paper was found too difficult, the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board has clarified that no grace marks will be awarded.

The Board, in a clarification, said that the circular dated Mar.10 on awarding grace marks, which is doing rounds is fake and is aimed at misleading students and parents.

PU Board Director H.N. Gopalakrishna said  the circular that is doing the rounds on social media on giving  grace marks for Physics paper as the Multiple Choice Questions were too tough, is absolutely fake. He said that the questions were based on NCERT text books, and clarified  that the Board has not yet taken decision on awarding grace marks.

This post was published on March 15, 2024 7:37 pm
