No Voter ID Card?

Mysuru: If you do not have an Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC), you can still vote by producing any one of the 12 alternative photo identity proofs.

The alternative photo identity proofs include: 1. Passport 2. Driving License 3. Service Identity Card of State or Central Government 4. PAN Card 5. Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR 6. Aadhar card 7. Passbook issued by Bank or Post Office 8. MNREGA Job Card 9. Health Insurance Smart Card issued by the Ministry of Labour 10. Pension document with photograph 11. Authenticated Photo Voter Slip issued by the election machinery and 12. Official Identity Cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs. Also, the voter can produce his EPIC issued by Electoral Registration Officer of another Assembly Constituency, provided the name of such voter is found in the electoral roll of the polling station where the voter has come for voting.

Overseas voters should produce their original Passport only and no other identity document in the polling station for identity.

This post was published on May 11, 2018 6:39 pm
