Nuisance of technology and mobile addiction

Image: Pixabay


Days are gone when one would wait for a trunk call or would walk miles to talk to someone on distance through STD. Now everyone is easily accessible to the trending technology of mobile phones.  The number of users is so high that it is a rare sight to see someone with hands free without phone. And the addiction is not restricted to any age group but is seen right from children to older persons.

People are blindly following the trends but aren’t aware of the aftermaths that are carried along with this excessive usage of mobile phones. A year-old kid swipes up the phone as if it’s a toy used for decades and worst part is that they are encouraged to do so by considering it as a talent. A  few kids are given phones as an aid for easy galloping of food. Children are subjected to a situation where they sit idle for hours without any physical activity. Not a good sign.

This issue doesn’t end here as it’s not only kids who are addicted to the use of mobile phones. Youths of today’s generation are going ‘brainless.’ They are misusing their precious time meant to gain knowledge, acquire skills and decide their career on which their daily bread and butter depends on.

Today free internet and mobile phones carry more danger than cigarettes and alcohol as they only make a person physically weak but this phone addiction is spoiling the entire personality of an individual and in turn affecting the development of our country. Phones are suppressing the youth’s mind and he is not allowed to think outside this network of social media. All these nuisance created by so-called technology makes me feel a little worried and disappointed as even many elders have no time to guide the youths.

– Kaleemulla Baig, Rajivnagar, 4.12.2019

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This post was published on December 5, 2019 5:55 pm
