Out of syllabus CET Q papers:  KAMS alleges hand of coaching centres 

Even as a row has broken out over the CET-2024 question paper, with students and parents contending that about 25 percent of the questions were out of syllabus, the KAMS (Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka) has claimed that coaching centres have played  a role in the setting of CET question papers.

In a letter to Higher Education Minister Dr. M.C. Sudhakar, the KAMS alleged that several coaching centres, after colluding with Education Department staff, have interfered in the setting of CET-2024 question papers, which caused confusion and dismay among the students.

 As such, the KAMS demands stringent  action against officials and staff who were allegedly in collusion with  coaching centres in the setting of question papers, the letter stated.

This post was published on May 6, 2024 6:05 pm