Panel discussion tomorrow on ‘Core Concerns of Our Times’

Mysore/Mysuru: Mysore Open Forum (MOF) has organised a panel discussion on ‘Core Concerns of Our Times’ by three Columnists and an Editor (of Deccan Herald) at 10.30 am on June 29 at Wadiyar Centre for Architecture, Krishnaraja Boulevard, Mysuru.

The three Columnists are  Maj. Gen. S.G. Vombatkere (retd.), Capt. G.R. Gopinath and Ravi Joshi. Maj. Gen. Vombatkere has to his credit over 900 published articles in print and  e-journals. He is a member of National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) & People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). He will speak on ‘Impacts of Development on People.’

Captain Gopinath is a soldier, farmer and entrepreneur whose Air Deccan gave wings to the dreams of the common man to fly. He will speak on ‘The Republic and its Discontents.’

Ravi Joshi is a retired civil servant who worked in the External Intelligence Agency, R&AW. He is presently a Columnist & Commentator on the national political scene. He will speak on ‘Secularism as a Constitutional Promise to the Minorities.’

The fourth panellist S. Raghotham is Opinion Editor, Deccan Herald and specialises in strategic affairs. He will speak on the topic ‘Role of Media in a Democracy.’

The panel discussion-cum-talk is open to all. For details, contact Mob: 94498-19536.

This post was published on June 28, 2024 7:36 pm