Parasayyanahundi junction: Disaster waiting to happen


Parasayyanahundi, where the Outer Ring Road intersects with H.D. Kote Road, is chaotic to say the least during peak hours. Vehicles pouring in from all directions, vegetable and fruit vendors doing brisk business, food carts churning out the day’s specials and people waiting for bus on one side, alighting the bus on the other, some spread out on the road while others jay walking — it is a scene of “confusion worse confounded.” May I draw the attention of the powers that be to look into this matter by having traffic signal to regulate and bring order at the junction. It is sheer miracle that each day passes without any untoward incidents.

– Geetha J. Raman, Parasayyanahundi, 18.4.2018

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This post was published on April 20, 2018 6:06 pm