Parks becoming grazing ground for stray cattle

Parks are meant to add beauty to the surroundings of the city. Parks are also a good time-spending venue for all ages, mostly for joggers, walkers and the like. But some parks in the city, which are poorly maintained, have become grazing ground for stray cattle.

The A.P. Prashanth Park, located at the southern end of Helipad Road in K.C. layout, is a perfect example for the negligence of authorities.

Although the Park is developed at a cost of Rs. 23 lakh sanctioned under the Chief Minister’s Rs. 100 Crore Special Grant for the city, the Park is in a shambles, with poor or nil maintenance.

Terms of stray cattle, which manage to enter the park, graze everything green in the park, thus making the park look barren. As parks come under basic amenities, the local bodies — be it MCC or MUDA — should take up the responsibility of maintaining and developing the park. But the dismal state of A.P. Prashanth Park has left on to wonder whether our administration is so helpless.

The park has several shortcomings — the park is not wholly secured thus making it easy for cattle to enter the park and the grills have fallen apart here and there. With cattle grazing freely across the park, the authorities seems to have turned a blind eye and have not even bothered to warn the cattle owners. But what is disappointing is that the public too have become mute spectators to the sorry state of the park.

While some of the saplings planted by the authorities have become fodder to stray cattle, others have wilted under the scorching sun, as they are not watered for months.

The situation in some other parks in the city is more or less the same. The surrounding residents have urged the authorities to take measures for the up keep of this important park. Meanwhile, former Deputy Mayor Vanitha Prasanna, who represents Ward No. 65, under which the park comes, responding to the pleas, said that  necessary measures will be  taken for securing and maintaining the park.

Also, several measures will be taken to enhance the beauty of this strategically located park, she added.

By S.B. Devaraj

This post was published on July 30, 2017 6:49 pm