Pathetic condition of Kalidasa and Vijayanagar Roads

A section of potholed road being filled in front of Chandrakala Hospital.


Your news item on the condition of Kalidasa road leading to Vijayanagar (SOM dated Dec. 2) and the apathy shown by the elected representatives, former and current, couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time.

The condition of the roads not only slows down the traffic, but also leads to usage of the cross roads, which are narrow and places where children play in the evenings, not to mention the noise in an area considered to be pensioners paradise. Added to this, the condition of the cross roads too is deplorable.

The Letters to the Editor column has raised this issue by many residents in the area, and the two cents action shown is to carry out the repairs by mixing sand and stones and filling the roads with them. The sand is washed away by rain and carried by the wind into the houses, while the stones throw off the balance of two-wheelers, damages tyres and makes walking difficult. Added to this, the City Traffic Police have decided to turn it into a one-way road. I request the Police to step in to repair the roads, as writing to the Corporator and the City Corporation hasn’t yielded any result.

– Murgesh, Vijayanagar 1st Stage, 3.12.2019

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This post was published on December 7, 2019 5:55 pm
