Pay attention to cooking at home, avoid junk food

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, Yoga & Bharatanatyam exponent Yamini Muthanna on the essence of having a balanced diet

Mysore/Mysore: Celebrity nutritionist and author Rujuta Diwekar said that many people are overeating proteins and ignoring the regular balanced meals which have the right proportions of various essential nutrients required by our body.

Mumbai-based Diwekar, whose clients are spread across 50 countries and include some of India’s top Bollywood stars and business tycoons, was speaking at a session ‘Demystifying the Art of Eating Well — Bhikshaandehi Krupavalambanakari Maataa Anna Purneshwari’ at the Mysuru Literature Festival-2023 last evening along with Yamini Muthanna, an exponent and teacher of Bharatanatyam and Yoga. 

According to Diwekar, consuming an excess of protein can lead to issues such as acidity, constipation and even anxiety. She emphasises that for proper protein assimilation, it is important to consider the concept of the whole food matrix. The whole food matrix refers to eating a balanced combination of different foods in proportions that have been traditionally established over time.

In terms of children’s development and health, it is important to provide high-quality nutrition. However, Rujuta Diwekar emphasised that encouraging the consumption of junk food is not advisable.

In recent days, there has been an increase in the consumption of junk food among children. This has a negative impact on the child’s health. Therefore, they advised giving preference to traditional foods and avoiding the consumption of junk food.

Obsession with heroes, heroines

It is very much possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming homemade food. Rujuta and Yamini suggested that purified and cooked food at home improves health. They also mentioned that the obsession with celebrity lifestyles makes young people want to look like film heroes and heroines. They recommended following daily routines and incorporating exercise, with yoga being the best option.

Rujuta mentioned the use of rice as it is good for health. Rice, lentils and simple foods like ghee improve the quality of hair. Consuming coconut contributes to the health of the skin and hair.

“Everyone should adhere to their daily routine and adopt the food practices they have been accustomed to in the morning. By following such a diet, you can maintain good health. Avoiding unnatural food ingredients and keeping children away from their consumption is necessary. Also, drinking an adequate amount of water per day, suitable for the body, is essential. Pay attention to your cooking at home,” she said.

Home-cooked meals play a significant role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining hygiene and cooking nutritious food at home, one can achieve good health. Diwekar also mentioned that millets, like ragi, are beneficial for health.

This post was published on July 2, 2023 7:35 pm