Ph.D awardees

The University of Mysore (UoM) has awarded Ph.D in Law to C. Basavaraju for his thesis ‘The intricacies of death penalty under criminal justice system in India – A critical study’ submitted under the guidance of Dr. A.N. Vijay.

N.M. Nagendra has been awarded Ph.D in Education by the UoM for his thesis ‘Proudashala Vidyarthigala Swayam-parikalpane Mattu Shaikshanika Sadaneya Mele Yoga Shikshanada Parinama – Ondu Adhyayana’ [Guide: Dr. Ningamma C. Betsur].

Mohammed Fuzail Akhtar has been awarded Ph.D in Urdu by the UoM for his thesis ‘Ahmad Faraz Shakhsiyath Aur Fan’ [Guide: Dr. Rafathunnisa Begum].

M.K. Aruna-shree has been awarded Ph.D in Philosophy by the UoM for her thesis ‘Sachhi-dananda Dedege – Ondu Tattvika Anveshane’ [Guide: Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi].

C.K. Roopa has been awarded Ph.D in Computer Science by the UoM for her thesis ‘Analysis and Interpretation of Cardiac Diseases using Heart Signal [Guide: Dr. B.S. Harish]

This post was published on January 2, 2020 3:53 pm
