Plea to provide security in trains


Recently a lady traveling by train was tried to be robbed of her possessions in a  moving train and was harassed. She had to wait until the next station to complain about the incident.

Keeping this in view, I always think that the trains that we travel are not safe. Be it a chair car or a general compartment or an AC bogie etc., you don’t find anybody to whom we can complain about some grievance or look up at someone who can really help in times of need.

The TT or responsible person will be somewhere checking into the tickets and there is nobody to answer our multiple doubts and problems.

There will be many senior citizens traveling long distances and will be having many queries and concerns that need to be addressed by the concerned.

When an ordinary bus carrying 40 to 50 passengers can have a driver and a conductor to whom the passengers can approach for any help, why can’t the rail bogie which consists of hundreds of passengers have one responsible person who can address the needs of the commuters?

Will the Union Railway Minister and the Railway authorities look into this serious situation concerning the safety of its commuters?

– Chitklala Arun, Srirampura 2nd Stage , 1.11.2023

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This post was published on November 11, 2023 6:55 pm