Ponnu uncle, a humane soul


In continuation of K.B. Ganapathy and Vikram Muthanna’s write-ups in Star of Mysore on Ponnu (Ponoo) uncle of Pelican Pub, here’s my contribution to describe this familiar cheerful human figure, we lost a couple of days ago.

Ponnu uncle was a silent philanthropist, a person who never forgot his elderly kith and kin’s birthday or anniversary. He would visit them personally along with his sisters, carrying a bunch of red roses.

Ponnu uncle was a lover of art and culture. He would sponsor English musical plays, dramas,  art shows and book fests. We have booked and purchased many of  our show tickets from Pelican Pub. Apart from all this, he along with his sister Kitty have silently sponsored many government school activities and cared for the needy during the recent Corona outbreak.

—Indira Ganapathy, Yadavgiri, 23.6.2024

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This post was published on June 27, 2024 7:00 pm