Pratibha Puraskar

The Halenadu Karnataka Smartha Brahmanara Sangha, having office at ‘Shantiniketana Bhavan’, First Cross, Krishna-murthypuram in city, has invited applications from Smartha Brahmin community students who have scored over 85 percent marks in SSLC and PUC (2022-23), for presentation of Pratibha Puraskar. The last date for applying is May 30. For details, contact Mob: 98457-17501 or 91416-37888, according to a press release.

Karnataka State Government Employees Association has invited applications from meritorious children of the Association members who have scored more than 90 percent marks in SSLC & PUC (2022-23), for presentation of Pratibha Puraskar. The last date for applying is May 31. The parents of applicant student should be Government servants and members of the Association. Children of employees of Boards, Corporations, Authority, University, aided and unaided educational Institutions are not eligible, according to a press release.

This post was published on May 20, 2023 6:03 pm