Precision Farming workshop on Dec. 29

Mysuru: Maharaja Institute of Technology under Maharaja Research Foundation in association with Agriculture Department, Government of Karnataka, is conducting a one-day  Precision Farming workshop, as part of a pilot project, at Naganahalli Research Centre on Dec.29.

About 100 farmers have been identified to conduct a detailed study for various crops using WSN Technology. Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Program (SKDRDP), with their vast network with farmers, is helping in selecting the farmers and dissemination of the information to farmers. Resource persons from University of Horticultural Sciences, Yelwal and Naganahalli Research Centre will conduct the workshop.

Dr. Mahesh Rao, Professor at Maharaja Institute, has been working on various aspects of this with a few farmers.

This post was published on December 27, 2017 6:39 pm
