Preventing water wastage need of the hour


Apropos the letter by Dr. Narendra Kumar in SOM dated June 28, I do agree with him that an alarm should be installed to prevent water wastage. However, the said alarm would work most effectively if installed in the minds of the citizens. What you need is not gadgetry but a conscience…ethics and honesty. These don’t cost a penny. What’s more, their impact can be widespread, indeed far-reaching, more potent than any gadget to sound an alarm.

Here’s hoping that the dire need to conserve this limited natural resource ignites a little spark in each one of us and we resolve to change a bit of our old habits, our habitual lifestyle and customary rites and rituals, to prevent wastage of this scarce commodity.

A mindful choice such as this made en masse by each and everyone of us is possible if we, the current generation, realise that we are mere custodians of all natural resources of the world. If we understand that we are honourable trustees, then we also need to recognise that we have a responsibility. This means that instead of exploiting it to the hilt for our own indulgence and pleasure we are honour bound to pass it on to the coming generations — just as the generations that came before us did, so we might enjoy the rewards.

– Akber Ayub, Engineer, Author, Mysuru, 29.6.2021

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This post was published on July 1, 2021 5:55 pm