Prize winners at ‘Varnatulika’ Literary Fest

Prize winners at ‘Varnatulika’ Literary Fest are seen with (sitting from left) Dr. Rekha Bhat, Chairperson, Department of Languages, Prof. C. Vidya Pai, Principal, Amrita, Mysuru and Muktha Sen, Asst. Professor, Department of Languages.

Mysuru:  the students of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru campus, Bogadi II Stage, won prizes in the following events at ‘Varnatulika’ Literary Fest held at Christ College recently:

Parodyze: Vivek and team (First); Captionize: Sahithya Shetty (Second); Tarjama (Hindi): Yuktimmana (Second); Debate: Someshwar Gurumath and Prakruthi (First); Tarjama (Malayalam): Atul Prakash (First) and Adi Anil (Second) and Screenplay Writing (Malayalam): Atul Prakash (First).

Someshwar Gurumath has also secured third place in State-level Debate Competition held recently as part of Vidyarthi Samkruthi Chaluvali conducted by ABVP in association with KSOU and Vidyarthi Patha.

This post was published on March 12, 2019 6:18 pm