Prize winners of ‘PRAYAG-2024’ Inter-Collegiate Fest

The prize winners are seen with Vanaja B. Pandit, Hon. Secretary, GSSS; Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Dr. M. Jagadeesha, Professor and Head, Department of MBA, GSSSIETW.

Mysuru: The Department of Master of Business Administration of GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women (GSSSIETW) had organised an Inter-Collegiate Fest ‘PRAYAG-2024’ recently at its campus on KRS Road.

In all, 238 students from 16 colleges participated in various events. The Fest consisted of cultural events namely Face Painting, Collage Making and Rangoli, Technical Events like Quiz Competition, Mock Stock Trading and Debate and Sports events namely Badminton (Singles and Doubles), Tug-of-War and Throwball.


Face Painting: MMK & SDM College, Mysuru – 1st prize; Sri Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd prize.

Collage Making: Yuvaraja’s College, Mysuru – 1st; Sri Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Rangoli: Sri Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru and GSSSIETW, Mysuru – 1st; MMK & SDM College, Mysuru and BGS First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd.

General Quiz: Yuvaraja’s College, Mysuru – 1st; MMK&SDM College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Mock Stock Trading: GSSSIETW, Mysuru – 1st; Sri Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Debate: National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysuru – 1st; MMK&SDM College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Tug-of-War: Teresian College, Mysuru – 1st; GSSS Simha Subbalakshmi First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Throwball: Sri Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru – 1st; GSSS Simha Subbalakshmi First Grade College, Mysuru – 2nd.

Badminton – Singles: Maharani’s Women’s Commerce and Management College, Mysuru – 1st; GSSSIETW, Mysuru – 2nd; Doubles: GSSSIETW, Mysuru – 1st; Maharani’s Women’s Commerce and Management College, Mysuru – 2nd.

The valedictory function commenced by the innovation song rendered by first year students.

Dr. M. Jagadeesha, Professor and Head, Department of MBA, welcomed the gathering. This was followed by offering of floral tributes to Prof. B.S. Pandit’s photo.

Dr. V.K. Jayan, Programme Co-ordinator and Associate Professor, Department of MBA, presented a report on PRAYAG-2024.

Asst. Professor Aarabi Ramanujan compered the prize distribution ceremony.

Vanaja B. Pandit, Hon. Secretary, GSSS, presided and handed over the cash prizes and certificates to the winners.

Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, spoke on the occasion. Prof. N.S. Pavithra Gowtham, Programme Coordinator and Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, proposed a vote of thanks.

This post was published on September 17, 2024 7:29 pm