Prof. CDN Memorial Award conferred on Prof. Sundaram

Prof. C.N. Srinath (left), Director, Dhvanyaloka, seen with Prof. RVS Sundaram, renowned scholar.

Mysore/Mysuru: The annual “Prof. CDN Memorial Day” was observed at Dhvanyaloka on Bogadi Road in city on Apr. 12.

Welcoming the audience, Prof. C.N. Srinath, Director, Dhvanyaloka paid rich tributes to his father Prof. C.D. Narasimhaiah (CDN) by remembering his innumerable achievements in various capacities as an influential teacher, dynamic administrator, distinguished scholar, critic, editor and founder of Dhvanyaloka, a unique institution that has drawn eminent scholars, writers, Nobel Laureates, diplomats and even a past Prime Minister to visit it.

Prof. CDN’s remarkable contributions to English Studies in India and his various administrative reforms as the Principal of Maharaja’s College which received special mention vividly brought out the versatility of the man.

Chief guest of the evening was Prof. RVS Sundaram, renowned scholar, author, translator, editor and folklorist who delivered the “Prof. CDN Memorial Lecture” on the topic “Difficulties and Challenges of translating Classical Kannada Texts.” His scholarly presentation interspersed with several fascinating examples and details elicited many interesting questions from the audience  at the end.

On the occasion, “Prof. CDN Memorial Award for 2023” was conferred on Prof. Sundaram — a shawl, citation and a cash award of Rs.10,000.

Another notable feature of the day’s programme was the release of two Dhvanyaloka Publications: The Literary Criterion (a Critical Quarterly) and Canada Calling, an  illustrated travelogue by Ragini  Ramachandra (Text) and S. Ramachandra (Photos).

This post was published on April 23, 2023 7:34 pm