Rain havoc: MCC, CESC teams take up restoration on war-footing

Rains expected till May 8

Mysore/Mysuru: Following the trail of damages caused by heavy rain and wind that hit the city on Friday, Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) has taken up restoration works on a war-footing, by deploying its Abhaya, emergency rescue teams.

MCC Commissioner Dr. N.N. Madhu told Star of Mysore that “A total of seven teams comprising Abhaya personnel and out-sourced personnel have been deployed for restoration works. The teams have been allotted the tasks accordingly, as in some places the uprooted trees and branches have to be cleared, while in some other places, the drinking water supply network that has been damaged has to be repaired at the earliest. The storm water drains are also clogged at places, that have to be cleared, with the prevailing rainy situation prompting to leave no stone unturned to address the situation.”

According to a weatherman, there is no escape from rain accompanied by thunderstorm till May 8, with the occurrence of Bharani Nakshatra from Apr. 27 itself. There is also no respite from heavy velocity of wind, as it will be blowing at the speed of 10 km to 12 km per hour, he added.

CESC Superintending Engineer Sunil said “Over 350 personnel including the out-sourced manpower are engaged in restoration works, with several hundreds of poles damaged in yesterday’s rain, that has plunged many areas into darkness.”

This post was published on May 4, 2024 7:44 pm