Reduce travel time between Bengaluru-Mysuru train journey


The train journey from Bengaluru to Mysuru takes about two-hours-and-forty-five minutes to three hours whether it is a Passenger, Express or Superfast one. Even the introduction of double track or electrification will not help to reduce the journey time because of platform problems in Mysuru City Junction.

All the trains are parked at outer (that is, near Sankalp Apartments in Yadavagiri) for nearly 20 to 45 minutes. Tipu Express will come to above said outer within 2 hours 10 minutes but parked at outer for more than 30 minutes for platform problems. At this place some people try to get down from trains and risk their lives. This is a genuine problem of Railways and passengers.

Let all the trains be parked for some required time at outer for the convenience of Railways. I would like to suggest the Railways to provide some ambiance at the outer, that is alighting platform, auto stand and flyover so by that many passengers (nearly 50 to 80 percent) can alight at this place and reduce their journey time safely. Then only the real benefits of double tracks and electrification of the tracks can be obtained.

– H.R.Raviprakash, Metagalli, 12.11.2017

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This post was published on November 15, 2017 6:40 pm