Reliving a trip to Berlin


Girija Madhavan’s article titled “The Fall Of The Berlin Wall” published in Star of Mysore dated 17th November, 2022, made for a very interesting read.

I read it over and over again, reliving a trip to Berlin in 2008. The information and the photographs in the article helped me brush up everything I learnt there about the history of the wall.

I recall, with great emotion, the sacrifice of the Allied Air Force personnel. They risked their lives to supply food and other essentials through the three air corridors from West Germany to West Berlin. This was possibly the greatest peacetime supply operation in history.

The Berlin Airlift Memorial showing three fingers like a fork with three prongs represents the three air corridors that were used. The names of the brave airmen inscribed at the base of the memorial have a very sombre and touching effect on everyone that makes a visit.

Rest in peace, you brave men.

– Shanti Ganapathy, Mysuru, 28.11.2022

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This post was published on November 30, 2022 7:09 pm