Rise in pigeons, fall in crow, myna numbers

Mysore/Mysuru: While there is a rise in pigeon population in the city, the numbers of crows and mynas have dwindled, flagging concern among bird lovers in the city.

The flock of pigeons around Mysore Palace and various other parts of the city are regularly fed by nature lovers with grains and food roasted in oil. This has come under flak, especially for feeding pigeons near Mysore Palace, with the bird droppings posing a threat to the beauty of the royal abode and also taking a toll on public health.

Rajkumar of Wildlife Conservation Foundation said: “We have been making fervent appeals against feeding pigeons in public places, from the past several years, but the practice of feeding them with grains and oily food is going on unabated. This has changed the lifestyle of pigeons, which have got the taste of protein rich food, thus making them lethargic and roost in the same place. It has also increased reproduction among birds, which have been building nests in heritage buildings and the name boards of the shops. Instead of introducing regulations to restrain the practice of feeding pigeons, the public awareness should be created and the public should also understand the concern behind the same.”

Animal rescuer Pradeep said: “The food chain of birds is disturbed with the feeding of birds near Palace, Dasara Exhibition Grounds, Government Guest House and other prominent buildings in the city. The toxin content is found more in the poop of the birds, which poses a significant threat to the roof of the buildings, thus leading to gradual weakening of the structure. It also causes asthma and anaemia among public, which the people tend to ignore.”

On the other hand, the rise in number of pigeons, has hit the number of crows and mynas, causing environmental imbalance, for going against the nature. People should understand that, the birds won’t die for not feeding them, as they naturally feed on flies and insects found in trees and plants. There is a ban on feeding of pigeons in public places in Maharashtra. Similarly, rules should be introduced in Mysuru city, to regulate the feeding of pigeons, to protect various other bird species, demanded Pradeep.

This post was published on June 29, 2024 7:35 pm