Road Race for school boys and girls

Mysore/Mysuru: Alumni Association of Sportspersons Represented University of Mysore will be organising a 2k road race for school boys and girls of Mysuru district between the age group of 12 and 16 years on  Aug. 29 in front Lions Club of Mysore Central premises next to Mysore University Athletic Ground (Oval Ground) at 7 am. A total of 300 participants (200 boys and 100 girls) will be allowed to take part in the competition. Last date for registration is Aug. 26. Participating candidates must bring a copy of their birth certificate on the day of the competition. The organisers have also announced cash rewards for winners of 1st to 6th place. The winner will be given a cash prize of Rs. 3,000; Rs. 2,500 for second place, Rs. 2,000 for third place, Rs. 1,500 for fourth place, Rs. 1,000 for fifth place and Rs. 500 for sixth place. Entry is free for the contest.

This post was published on August 23, 2024 6:30 pm