Saluting a Mahaguru of a teacher


I would like to record and bring to the notice of SOM readers, the way society recognises a fruitful journey of a sincere, dedicated and passionate leader — be it a doctor, a soldier or a scientist.

 I had the opportunity to attend the farewell ceremony accorded to S. Balaji, a very dear friend of mine who will retire this month end after serving Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala for quarter of a century, perhaps the longest period as a Principal in a teacher’s career.

It is my sincere opinion that no leader comes with an amulet to guard himself against any misadventure in the course of his service to society. But it appeared during the course of the farewell ceremony that Balaji came out as a consummate leader with several rare and inimitable traits of leadership.

Speaker after speaker paid great tributes to Balaji as a kind, strong  and determined mentor,  impervious to the challenges he faced during the course of his 25 years of fruitful journey as a teacher, guide, friend and a mentor not only to his students but to many of his colleagues. It is not an easy job. I know it as I have walked the way myself.

It was a very rewarding experience to many teachers, who were in the assembly, aspiring to become Principals some time in future, to know, what it takes to become a leader like Balaji, with no compromises in his path of realising the committed goals.  He was very deservedly showered with accolades, be the speaker a former Vice-Chancellor or a promising doctor in Mysuru or a research Scientist or an administrator of another institution.

As always Balaji received these praises amiably, with a very polite visage, as if they sit lightly on his shoulders.

That is Mr. Balaji who was instrumental by his personal example, in changing the course, the attitude, the mind of his students and colleagues, with a lasting effect in their lives.  We all hang up our hats one day after serving the society in some role or the other, but how many will leave such an impact on their followers.

Simple in appearance, dedicated to the task, unyielding to the pressures of the challenging  moments, honest in his heart, putting every one at equal distance were some of the wonderful virtues of Balaji, that endeared him to his masters, students and colleagues.

It is no hyperbole if I quote the following lines as said by some one: Look around you, there is not a single life in this room that you have not touched and each one of us is a better person today because of you.

That compliment suits Balaji very amply. May you, Mr. Balaji, have a wonderful, retired life with ample time to spend happily with your family members.

– Prof. K.V. Satyan, V.V. Mohalla, 19.2.2024

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This post was published on February 22, 2024 6:55 pm