Samskrita Bharati has organised Samskrita Kaveri Zonal Conference of 2024-25 on Feb. 1 and 2 at Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashram in city. The highlights of the Conference are special lectures, various sessions, Shobha Yatra, public meeting, exhibition, science exhibition, book exhibition and sales, cultural programmes and valedictory session. The registration fee is Rs. 150. Samskrita Bharati is a non-Government, non-profit organisation dedicated to the cause of samskrit. An apex body of all voluntary organisations working towards the revival and promotion of samskrit, according to a press release from Zonal Chairman P.N. Shastri and Secretary Gururao Kulkarni. For further details about the Zonal Meet, contact Mob: 78990-73770 or 73493-98262.
This post was published on January 4, 2025 5:01 pm