Sandal Urus Shariff of Hazarath Nawab Hyder Ali Khan Bahadur celebrated

Mysore/Mysuru: The Annual Sandal Urus Shariff of Hazarath Nawab Hyder Ali Khan Bahadur was celebrated in city recently. The delegates visited Tipu Tomb, where they offered Fatha Khawni and paid tributes.

The celebration was organised by city’s Hazarath Tipu Sultan Urus & Welfare Committee Secretary Afroz Pasha at Meelad Park on Ashoka Road, under the Presidentship of Hazarath Moulana Mufti Mohd. Shamshul Huda Samadi, Hon. Qazi of Masjid- e-Azam on Ashoka Road in city.

The Urus programme began with recital of verses from the Holy Quran. Hazarath Moulana Mufti Shamshul Huda Chishti Samadi and Towfiq Majeed Khan, President of Azeez Sait Block Congress Committee Election Campaign Unit spoke on the life of Tippu Sultan and Hazarath Nawab Hyder Ali Khan Bahadur.

DCC Minority Department Spokesperson Mirza Jamsheed Baig Ashrafi anchored and delivered the introductory speech. Afroz Pasha presented  Tipu Shawl, medals, garland and honoured Umlas, Darvesh, Mushayiqin, Sufizam and prominent persons.

Dr. Sufi Syed Arif Hussain Aalm Shah Warsi Saheb, Founder-President of Khankha Warsiya, Tanery Road in Bengaluru, Majeed Ahmed, Member of DCC, Khwaja Mohammed Musheer Chishti, President of Chishtiya Foundation Group, Mysuru, Ahmed Pasha Khadree, Radiulla Khan, Executive Member of DCC Mysuru, Abdul Ghafoor Azad, social worker and others were present the occasion.

Later, Majeed Ahmed carried the sandal paste vessel and began the Urus procession from Meelad Park to Meelad Bagh Circle, following which devotees in various vehicles reached the Tippu Tomb at 5.30 pm where they performed Fatha Khawni, spread the flower mat  (chadar) and applied sandal paste to the shrine.

This post was published on July 10, 2024 7:26 pm