Sangeeta Nrutyotsava at Nadabrahma tomorrow

‘Sangeeta Nrutyotsava-2020’, a Music and Dance fest organised by city’s Natya Sangeethalaya Research Institute, will be held at Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha on JLB road here at 5.30 pm tomorrow (Feb. 28). Kannada and Culture Department Assistant Director H. Chennappa will be the chief guest in which Art Patron K.V. Murthy will preside. Renowned musician C.N. Shyamala will be honoured on the occasion. The event will also feature a Bharatanatyam performance by Bengaluru-based dancers V. Abhinaya and R. Mrunalini; a classical music concert by the Institute’s students, directed by Vidwan K. Guruprasad and Kuchipudi and Kathak presentations by city’s noted dancer Dr. Sunil Rajasekhar. For more details, call Mob: 98800-96922 or 99720-96922.

This post was published on February 27, 2020 3:58 pm