“Santharu Kanda Raama” Musical feature by Raaga Taranga tomorrow

Raaga Taranga, the music association founded by the renowned musician S.K. Vasumathi, is presenting a musical feature titled “Santharu Kanda Raama” on the occasion of its Anniversary, on Sunday, 26th November, at Jaganmohan Palace auditorium, at 6 pm.

This feature comprises compositions of various Dasaru, for which the music has been composed by Vasumathi.

The programme will be presented by the disciples of Vasumathi — Krupa Nadig, Shamala Prasanna, Kumari Jyothsna, Anagha, Charitha, Sushma and Ankitha, accompanied by Pandit Sameer Rao on flute, Vidwan Thandavamurthy on violin, Sharath on keyboard, Atmaram on tabla and Vinay Rangadhol on rhythm pad. The programme  is being compered by Rajalakshmi Shridhar, Retired Assistant Director of AIR.

On this occasion, an audio CD with Devaranamas composed and sung by Vasumathi will be released by the chief guest H.K. Narasimhamurthy, renowned violin artiste of AIR, Mysuru.

This post was published on November 25, 2017 6:38 pm
